Tuesday, 31 May 2011

A Goofy week ...

It's about time I updated this!
So I've been living in Vista Way for about a week now and thinking back it's been a pretty busy week, although compard to what I've got coming up I'm pretty sure I can class it as a holiday.
I've met loads of great people already and cannot wait to meet more. I'm sharing an apartment with four girls from Hong Kong and my room mate is English and goes to Manchester Metropolitan University!
Traditions was interesting and I have my name tag and all ID cards that are needed - but I have a little ribbon on my name tag saying 'earning my ears' until I have finished my training.
So far I've found out that for my first proper week of training I will be in Goofy's Candy Co store in Downtown Disney, and then I will move over to Design-a-Tee which looks pretty good.
So enough about work.... I've watched the Wishes fireworks display in Magic Kingdom twice! Once was from across the lake, sat on a little hill that we found by the Polynesian resort -(this is Thursday) which was amazing, even though you couldn't hear the music of see the projections on the castle, you could see the fireworks a lot better! There was also an electric lights parade across the lake with dancing water animals and King Triton - the most random thing I have ever seen! Then the following night (Friday) we watched Wishes up close inside Magic Kingdom. As soon as we got there the rain decided to pour. So yes we were running around Magic Kingdom in the rain, with everyone else finding shelter, we decided to run to Space Mountain! Then when we got out the rain had stopped and Wishes began :) T
On Saturday night we went to Epcot to watch the Illuminations fireworks display, which is another incredible thing to see, most definitely a must!
The friends I have made so far are incredible, and I feel so lucky to have met so many great people in less than a week! A pretty great start I think ...

If you have taken the time to read this, thank you :) xx

1 comment:

  1. Gemma blogs? Oh HELL yes.

    A flatmate from Manmet, small world! I'm glad the first week went so well, hopefully a taste of more to come, look forward to reading/seeing pictures!

    Take care! (this is becky btw!)
